
Monday Punday

Pictures labeled “mondaypunday.com” are visual puns. Each picture is a play-on-words for you to guess. The solution is a common phrase, title, or person.

Example (mouse-over for answer)



Pictures labeled “smaranga” are visual anagrams. The answer is two words describing the image, and each word can be rearranged to make the other.


Answers and Hints

Check out hints on the facebook page or the youtube page! Also, mouse-over text and captions on twitter/facebook are always a hint, however obtuse.

I do not post the answers. I feel people are far smarter than they give themselves credit for and will go much further when they can’t just give up. You got this.


If a non-trivial word appears in text in the image, it will not be in the answer.

If you see some variation of 47 in a puzzle, it’s merely an arbitrary number and its value is unimportant to the pun. Other values tend to be important.

If a character has a larger face, their identity is typically important to solving the pun.

The “am I right?” button strips all non-alphanumeric characters and capitalization from your guess and searches within that text for multiple spellings of the answer.

Always feel free to contact me for any hints, critique, etc.